Why the Healthful Life MD Approach Works

Our patients successfully lose weight and improve their overall health for the long term primarily because we provide a whole person, full 360, approach to working with you. There are many factors that contribute to what makes you the individual you are, and we believe that only when the full picture is considered can we provide the necessary support for lasting success. We will never take a “one-size-fits-all” approach, we embrace the diversity of each person and how you got here to this moment, ready for a new way.

A good plan makes all the difference in the world when it comes to being successful at anything in life. Of course, the plan must be relevant, so it’s critical to have one specifically customized to you. Each plan that we create, at Healthful Life MD, considers a range of unique factors from current lifestyle and circumstances, specific medical history, past weight loss journeys, your individual goals & health desires, and more.

Your custom plan will include a full team of experts to support you every step of the way, starting with me. As a physician board-certified in Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, and Obesity Medicine, I evaluate and supervise your overall health, any medications we may prescribe, and your overall weight loss journey in our program. As a specialist in obesity and metabolic disease, I understand and stay current with medical and scientific research to provide the best, most relevant care. Our program will help you to achieve sustainable life-style changes, improved health, and improved overall well-being-- I work with you as a whole person, not just a number on the scale. You will get individualized and personalized attention from me every step of the way.

At Healthful Life MD, your circle of support expands out from me to include an outstanding team of like-minded experts. We work collaboratively to provide you with the best pathway to the healthful life you want. Your customized journey may include services with our Registered Dietitian, Master Nutrition Therapist, Licensed Psychologist, Certified Eating Disorder Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer, and a Professional Chef who specializes in culinary nutrition. Here, you are the priority and you will get a lot of time and attention. This level of support and engagement is what leads to your success long-term.

Through the years of working closely with my patients, I have discovered that people are far more successful on their journey to good health when their doctors believe in them. This is why I have built this Practice, Healthful Life MD, around the approach where we consider all of the individual factors that make up who you are, and all of us have faith in your success. Let us believe in you and your next success story in health, together!


Why I Started a Medical Weight Loss Practice