From the Sidelines to Star of Her Own Story… Lisa’s Journey

After participating in the Weight Watchers program on and off for years, I was growing progressively more frustrated. Despite my efforts, I was failing to find lasting results in my weight loss journey. I knew the importance of achieving a healthy weight and was committed to finding a solution. I finally confided in my primary care physician and was referred to Healthful Life MD’s medical weight loss program.

Getting the courage to make the initial phone call was probably the most difficult part of the entire process. When I finally picked up the phone and called Healthful Life MD, I immediately felt comfortable. Dr. Abby was extremely compassionate and caring. She was knowledgeable and had the experience I knew was important to help me with long-term weight loss goals. After the call, I had a sense of hope and excitement I hadn’t felt in years.

As I began my journey with Healthful Life MD I was shocked by the comprehensiveness of the program. It was designed to reach so far beyond a number on the scale. Everything was specifically tailored to my unique needs making my goals seem much less daunting. The Healthful Life MD team helped educate me about food, nutrition, exercise and so much more. I began to understand some of the key components behind my weight gain and most importantly, I began to see results!

Every step of the way, I had the entire Healthful Life MD team there to support and encourage me. Everyone was compassionate, friendly and approachable, and never once did I feel judged or embarrassed.

Since first meeting with Dr. Abby less than a year ago I have lost over 170 lbs. I am much more active than I have ever been, I have so much more energy and feels like a completely different person. I have been able to travel with my family and actually keep up with my niece and nephew, something I could never do before.

I used to feel like I was on the sidelines of life watching everyone else. But now I feel like I’m in the game and I love it! I am so thankful I had the courage to pick up the phone and make that initial call to Dr. Abby. It has truly changed my life for the better!


How to Create a Healthy Plate


What To Say To Friends and Family Who Don’t Support Your Healthy Journey