5 Signs You’re Ready to Make a Big Life Change

There are countless reasons people resist change. They fear a loss of control, uncertainty, more work,  discomfort or a fear of being able to deal with the new reality. This post is for those who have pushed beyond that fear of change and who are ready to make a big life change. Do you see yourself below? Congratulations – what you seek can now become reality. 

1. You’re tired of just getting by. 

You know on a fundamental level that life is supposed to be enjoyed but you can’t remember the last time you were feeling joyous. You dream of the day you get up and don’t dread your daily routine. Day to day, you don’t look forward to much other than maybe sleeping or just getting through whatever you’re doing. You’re getting sick of hearing yourself complain (out loud or in your head) about feeling stressed, tired, and unfulfilled.

2. Your old motivation is gone. 

This is not a sign to panic but a sign that your needs or wants have changed and it’s time to seize your new “why.” You know you want to feel invigorated and not start saying things like, “Well, when you’re my age….” Or “It’s he double L hockey sticks getting old..” You have a motivation to value yourself more and to get more out of life, otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this blog post right now. Toss the old motivation you had and embrace a new one. 

3. You know you need a support system. 

Making big life changes is not a DIY game. Man is not an island after all. Seek the advice of experts in whatever it is you want to know more about. Why do you feel sluggish all the time or have a hard time sleeping? A medical doctor can pinpoint hormonal changes or possible sleep apnea. Not sure about the best strength training exercises for upper body? A personal trainer can help you. A way of eating that is low sugar but high on taste? A nutritionist or dietician are trained and schooled in these subjects. Finding out what emotions are influencing you to overeat or have an unhealthy relationship with food? Turn to a psychologist who works exclusively with people who have body image issues and negative self-tall. You want to know how to prep food but not spend countless hours in the kitchen, you can get answers from a chef. Healthful Life MD is comprised of a medical doctor, dietician and nutritionist, psychologist, personal trainer and a chef. Our support system is comprehensive, cohesive and customizable for individuals who have tried to make changes in the past and are ready for something completely different. 

4. You have a positive attitude about getting healthy.

You’ve heard the phrase, “You’ve got to get your mind right.” If you’re not in a good headspace to begin making these changes, your biggest obstacle will be staring back at you in the mirror. Your attitude is not carved in stone. It’s true that there are a few people who have always been glass half full or empty types but there’s a lot of room for improvement. According to the happiness formula, 50{07da271e77422af76f51da788dfc38972c1a2f571acbdb370ea97addefcb7f7a} of one’s attitude is determined by our biological predisposition, 10{07da271e77422af76f51da788dfc38972c1a2f571acbdb370ea97addefcb7f7a} to our conditions and circumstances in life and a huge 40{07da271e77422af76f51da788dfc38972c1a2f571acbdb370ea97addefcb7f7a} by the voluntary actions or choices that we make daily. One big difference between having a negative mindset is that you’re more constantly wrapped up in the problem and NOT focused on a solution. For a related article on changing your habits to beat a negative outlook, click here.

5. You understand that self-improvement is a lifetime journey without a fixed starting date.

Waiting until the holiday madness slows down? Wanting to kickoff your new healthy life on January 1st? Why? Thanksgiving and Christmas Day are only two days centered around food. If you can begin your health and wellness journey DURING the holidays and continue it through 1/1/20, you will have proven to yourself that you can do hard things.  It’s onerous to have one day a year as your start date. To maintain your healthy changes throughout the next year and beyond, create a theme for each month. January could be all about eating more leafy greens. February may be the designated month to find a workout you absolutely love. March could be the month you find a stress reliever like meditation or yoga. Maybe stress relief means a boxing class, it’s unique to you.  

Dr. Abby Bleistein, founder of Healthful Life MD is available for a free 30-minute phone consultation so you can learn more about what to expect when you start living a more healthful life with the support of our team.


Replacing Bad Habits with Good Habits is Key to Becoming Healthy from the Inside Out